Lophantus Tea
Lophantus Anisatus (Mint Licorice) – native to Central and South West Asia, its distinctly favorable qualities in the field of general well-being perfectly complement the feeling of relaxation and well-being provided in a large cup of tea, reccomended due to its intense aroma. The species Lophantus anisatus is considered a particularly aromatic, medicinal, ornamental and melliferous plant. Infusions without theine obtained by infusion stimulate the body in its tireless fight against time. Once tasted, it can become your favorite tea essence due to the sincerity of its taste. Enjoy its spicy aromas at any time of the day!
Lophantus Chai, 20 sachets, Daily Ionna Organic
Bring to the boiling point and add 200 ml of hot water
over 1 tea bag and leave to infuse between 5 and 10 minutes.
Consume 2-3 cups daily.
Medicinal plant
Lowers blood pressure, regulates metabolism,
cleans the blood. In Tibetan medicine Lofantul/Lophantus
is used as a general strengthening and anti-aging agent,
also in gastritis, functional disorders of the bile, hepatitis,
has a favorable effect in radiation treatment.
There are no known contraindications at the recommended doses
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